

BCR SUPPLY COLOMBIA SAS, carries out the renewal of the RUC (Contractors Unique Register) certification through a rigorous audit, with the objective of staying updated with the certifying body the Colombian Security Council (CCS) and validating the company's processes under ISO standards (ISO 14001:2015. , ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 45001:2018), guaranteeing compliance with Quality standards for customer service, environment and health and safety at work.

The audit was carried out under a hybrid modality (virtual – in-person), with the Colombian Security Council representatives and on BCR SUPPLY COLOMBIA SAS behalf, the process was in charge by each departments leaders: General Management, Administration, Business Development, Finance, EHSQ, Research, Design and Development, Operations, Procurement and Production, guiding the entire process.

The audit methodology consisted of work teams interviewing, documentation review, activities observation, products to be manufactured sampling, technical advice, customer service, formulations design and development in accordance with the client requirements. In this way, the parameters were determined under the safety and quality standards necessary to demonstrate compliance with the applicable requirements.

The BCR SUPPLY COLOMBIA SAS Management team, lead by General Manager Marielba Contreras Rangel, together with the workers, were satisfied with the commitment and achievement achieved, highlighting that the findings presented were intended to be closed in the shortest time possible and in a way that Comply with established action plans, seeking excellence and full compliance with all company processes.